Coaching Programs

Group Coaching Programs
Coaching is an integral part of all our programs. Living well is a lifestyle and you need on-going support and guidance to make the changes needed to live a healthy life. Our Live Well Zoom Coaching Programs are for anyone and everyone interested in learning more about nutrition, detoxification and stress management.
With 20 years of coaching experience and over 10 plus years in the functional whole body approach to well-being, our team of professional coaches teach classes in nutrition, detoxification and lifestyle/stress management to give you the knowledge you need to lose unwanted weight, improve your diet, support your immune system and prevent or reverse many chronic diseases. Our comprehensive approach is not a band aid. It is lifestyle change that actually brings you back to ideal health.
The Live Well Network
Health Support & Education For A Vibrant Life $50.00/Month
The Live Well Network is our education platform to provide you with science-based resources and training to empower you to live a holistic dis-ease free lifestyle! The Live Network is included in all Live Well program packages for existing clients. If you want access to our products and exceptional information without joining a customized program package, we encourage you to participate in this program.