About Live Well
Our Mission is
To Empower You to Achieve Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Health and
Live Well is a holistic, functional medicine practice trained in complementary and alternative medicine. We believe that restoring cellular function by eliminating stressors to the biochemical, physical, emotional and spiritual body can prevent and, in many cases, reverse many conditions.
At Live Well we incorporate the most advanced alternative medical therapies to keep you well, transforming your health to prevent and reverse dis-ease. Our healing begins with customized diagnostic lab testing providing information necessary to design a customized lifestyle management program for your unique needs. Over a 6–12-month period, we incorporate alternative therapies including medical nutrition therapy, dietary and weight management counseling, whole body detoxification of environmental toxins, homeopathy, and stress management programs designed to bring the body back to ideal health.
Live Well, has been a pioneer in health and wellness since the 1990’s and is recognized as an expert in detoxification and medical nutrition therapy for the prevention and treatment of diseases caused by environmental toxicity including cancer, cardiovascular disease, dementia and autoimmune conditions.
"Wellness is the medicine of our future."
Our Guide to Living Well
Great health requires a commitment to stay on track and develop sound sustainable lifestyle practices for a lifetime. Wellness is a journey and there will be ups and downs which is why working with a professional health and wellness consultant with expertise in the holistic prevention and treatment of disease will help to keep you and your family on track while building the lifestyle foundation of your dreams.
Becoming a stuart to your body requires educating yourself to what works for you and what works against you. Understanding the root causes of your symptoms or dis-ease will empower you to make the right decisions. When we know what is making us sick and tired it gives definition to a plan to make changes have greater meaning.
Based on your unique history, symptoms and conditions we perform customized laboratory testing to identify or confirm deeper layers of stress to the physical emotional and biochemical body. Some of the assessments may include identifying food sensitivities, nutrient or mineral deficiencies, testing for heavy metals, hormonal imbalances and testing for potential pathogens and emotional imbalances. This information will provide us with a road map to your long term program designed specifically for you and your unique needs.
With the information we now have on the specific areas that we need to address, we can formulate a customized treatment plan to bring your body back to ideal health and well-being based on your unique goals and circumstances. This is about what you want and are able to do and we are here as your guide to help you on your healing journey.
We have been here with others and hope you can trust in us to help guide you in this process of incorporating changes to give your body what it needs to live well. We have a very unique system of incorporating the changes you will make slowly and methodically over a six- twelve month period. We are here to guide and support you every step of the way so that you are successful in this process.
As you continue on your wellness path you will begin to notice your health being slowly transformed. Unhealthy foods will become less appetizing and easier to replace. Setting up and organizing your nutrition and detoxification program will become a routine and you will have more energy, focus and clarity to once again do the things you love best and be the person you are meant to be.

Lauren HaydenMS, BCHN, CCS
Lauren Hayden is the owner of Live Well established in 2010. She has been passionate about health and fitness all her life. Lauren holds a masters degree in holistic nutrition and is liscensed and board certified. She is an athlete, former tennis professional, NSPA Certified Conditioning Specialist, Certified Nutrition, Weight and Stress Management Specialist and has been practicing applied kinesiology using Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA) since 2010. She has a wealth of knowledge and expertise in how the body functions internally and externally, why it malfunctions and what we need to do to maintain, improve, or restore our health.
An athlete all her life, Lauren has learned to treat the body as a precious, dynamic living machine. She has been challenged with numerous health crises with herself, her family, and her clients, which she learned to overcome holistically using natural remedies that she teaches today. Lauren believes that a healthy lifestyle consisting of regular exercise, flexibility, myofascial release, meditation, proper nutrition, and an ongoing detoxification program are our best defense against disease and premature aging. She is available for personal and group consultations.
Credentials and Certifications
MS in Holistic Nutrition
Board Certified Holistic Nutrition (NANP)
Applied Kinesiologist, Quantum Reflex Analysis Practitioner
Certified Functional Blood Chemistry Analyst
Functional Medicine Specialist
NSPA Certified Strength, Conditioning, Nutrition and Weight Management Specialist
USTA Sport Science Certification
TRX Certified Specialist
Former USPTA and PTR Tennis Professional
BA History and Political Science