Nutrition Programs

Nutrition Programs

Nutrition is the cornerstone of our Rejuvenation and Restoration Programs. During your initial consultation we will determine the best path for you based on your current diet, relationship with food and level of well-being. All of our programs are customized and tailored to your unique biochemistry, diet and lifestyle.

The foods we eat make us healthy or sick, thin or fat, youthful or old, energetic or tired. Are you and/or your family members losing sight of what good food is? Are you working full time and raising a family so too busy to cook? Are you noticing junk food piling in, less time preparing meals and less time eating meals together as a family? Are you ready to make a few fundamental changes to get the train on the track to improve your health and the health of your family? Our nutrition programs will empower you to make dietary and nutritional choices based on your genes, ability to absorb nutrients and to improve your biochemistry so you have all the essential micro and macronutrients you need based on your body and unique dietary goals.

At Live Well, we do not believe in dieting or calorie counting, they are not sustainable. We incorporate evidence through assessment of your health history, current diet and diagnostic lab testing and share this information to educate yourself on all the factors that impact your health providing you the tools to improve your dietary and lifestyle habits and set you on a path to eating healthy food and supplementing when you have a unique deficiency that cannot be met through your diet. Our professional coaches will guide you to make the small necessary adjustments to alter your diet, improve your health and change your lifestyle on your terms. We are able to work with clients with lactose intolerance, gluten sensitivity, or those interested in paleo, vegans or vegetarian lifestyles.

Rejuvenation: Nutrition & Detoxification Essentials

6 Month Program

$ 1800
  • Rejuvenation Nutrition & Detoxification Essentials Rejuvenation Program is our foundation nutrition, detoxification and disease prevention program. This program is for those seeking and committed to maximizing health through dietary changes, healing the gastrointestinal system, improving digestion and nutrient absorption, correcting nutrient deficiencies and maintaining a healthy pH. This program will improve energy, mental clarity digestion, sleep and weight.

Restoration: Nutrition & Detoxification Essentials

6 Month Program

$ 2400
  • Restoration Nutrition & Detoxification Essentials Program is our foundation nutrition, detoxification and disease restoration program. This program is for individuals who have been diagnosed with a serious condition and are on one or more medications. It is for those who are seeking and committed to maximizing health through dietary changes, improving the function of the gastrointestinal system, the digestion and absorption of nutrients, correcting nutrient deficiencies and improving the pH.