Complementary and Alternative Medicine Therapies for the Treatment of Non-Metastasis Prostate Cancer

Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) treatment therapies are slowly being integrated with allopathic medicine.  This case study of a 56 year old male with non-metastatic prostate cancer is an example of how CAM therapies can be used to inhibit and potentially reverse cancer progressing by altering the microenvironment and bringing body system back to homeostasis.

A healthy male, age 56 was diagnosed with non-metastatic (PSA score 2.6 ng/mL), moderate risk (Gleason score 6 with one 7 at 50%) prostate cancer.  Allopathic treatment for radiation or prostatectomy was recommended. Client sought CAM treatment to improve prognosis.  We used client history, functional lab results, dietary food log, kinesiology biofeedback (QRA) and fasting urine pH to identify risk factors and develop a comprehensive CAM treatment program.

External detoxification programs included Energy Rejuvenation Therapy (ERT) and Hyperthermic Poultice Therapy (HPT).  Vasectomy was a leading risk factor and ERT is the standard CAM treatment for surgeries.  HPT was used directly on the prostate area to provide thermal heat and targeted nutritional support.  Nutritional and internal detoxification programs included phytonutrient and mineral support for the digestive, lymphatic, cardiovascular, urinary, and acid/base systems.  Dietary programs included, reducing glycemic index, eliminating sugar, gluten, table salt, increasing hydration and increasing protein. The stress management program selected was to begin an exercise program with cardiovascular, resistance training and myofascial release.  We hypothesize that CAM therapies are effective in altering the microenvironment of numerous bodily systems and show great promise for the prevention and treatment of prostate cancer.

Prostate cancer is the most common non cutaneous cancer in men and the second most common disease of the male reproductive system (Sumila, Mack, Schneider et al, 2014).  In 2012, 177,489 men in the United States were diagnosed and 24,244 men died from prostate cancer (CDC, 2015).  Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies are being used for the treatment of many disorders including prostate cancer. Factors to consider when selecting the appropriate CAM therapies for the treatment of prostate cancer depend on the cause of the cancer, cancer progression and metastasis, conventional treatments being used and the individual’s unique biochemistry and health status.  Non-metastatic, low to moderate risk prostate cancer candidates should be encouraged to incorporate CAM therapies to inhibit and reverse cancer progression by altering the microenvironment of bodily systems. 

Current microenvironment theory postulates that cancer cells proliferate or are inhibited according to the biological processes and conditions of the microenvironment of the cell (Casey, Amedei, Aguilano et al 2015).  Chronic stress to the host can be due to multifactorial physiological, emotional, environmental and or spiritual imbalances which alter allostatic functions, threaten homeostasis and potentiate disease (Jansen & Emerson, 2013) by altering cellular function (Banasik, 2013).  CAM objectives are to slowly and strategically bring the body back to homeostasis through manipulation of multiple biochemical variables that support, strengthen, and eliminate chronic stressors to the microenvironment so the body can heal itself. 

CAM therapies selected for this case study include external detoxification, phytonutrient support and internal detoxification, dietary adjustments, and an exercise/stress management program. External detoxification called Energy Rejuvenation Therapy (ERT) uses negatively charged bentonite and CAS clays applied to the trauma sight and the acupuncture command center where cat ion exchange occurs between positive and negative particles (Marshall, 2012).    When done correctly, ERT has been clinically shown to be effective in rebalancing energy flow from physical trauma and surgery which depolarizes tissue, blocks energy flow and interferes with biochemical cellular communication (Marshall, 2012). For example, vasectomy of the vas deferens is associated with high risk (Gleason score 8-10) prostate cancer (Siddiqui & Wilson & Epstein et al 2014). 

Hyperthermic Poultice Therapy (HPT) is used cutaneous on the prostate area to provide infrared thermal heat and targeted nutritional support.  Hyperthermia has been used in cancer therapy for decades (Tsang, Huang, Yang et al 2015).  Research has shown that unlike normal cells, cancer cells are heat sensitive and under hyperthermic conditions tumor angiogenesis occurs (Jimenez, 2015). 

Phytonutrient (plant based nutrients) and internal detoxification programs correct nutritional deficiencies, strengthen cellular function and remove chronic infections providing nutritional support and detoxification of the blood, lymphatic and intra/extracellular fluid systems (Marshall, 2014). Nutritional deficiencies and infection may provide stimulus for cancer cell proliferation (Banasik, 2013).  Internal detoxification is the elimination of internal stressors including bacteria, viruses, parasites, and other environmental toxins including heavy metals which suppress the immune system (Banasik, 2013).  Numerous phytonutrients have been targeted as inhibitory agents capable of influencing tumorigenesis and stimulating apoptosis of cancer cells (Casey et al 2015).  For example, Allium (sativum and ursinum) from garlic contains unique detoxifying properties including antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-carcinogenic (Capasso, 2012), antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antifungals clinically shown beneficial to the prevention and treatment of cancer.   Resveratrol has been targeted for cancer treatment due to suppression of reverse oxygen species (ROS) activity and the ability to scavenge free radicals (Casey et al 2015).

Dietary support for cancer addresses correcting nutritional deficiencies, balancing the pH of the bodily fluids through dietary and mineral support and improving the digestion and absorption of micro and macronutrients.  Cancer cells proliferate on two primary fuels, glutamate and glucose (Blaylock, 2015).   An essential dietary adjustment to alter the microenvironment of cancer cells is to reduce glucose intake and eliminate sugar from the diet.  

Exercise is well documented as an essential cancer therapy beneficial during and after conventional treatments (Kampshoff & Chinapaw & Brug et al 2015).  Exercise is beneficial in cancer treatment because it increases tissue oxygen and eliminates stress. Cancer cells thrive in an anaerobic (without oxygen) environment (Blaylock, 2015) and exercise increases oxygen uptake measured by VO2 max (Kampshoff et al 2015) improving cellular metabolism, ventilation and circulation.  Exercise reduces stress through release of catecholamine’s and stress hormones (Seaward, 2015).  

This case study of a 56 year old male diagnosed with non-metastatic prostate cancer provides details of how customized CAM therapies are selected and incorporated with supporting research to the efficacy of treatment programs.  CAM therapies selected for this study include external and internal detoxification, phytonutrient support, dietary adjustments, and an exercise/stress management programs. We hypothesize that CAM therapies are effective in altering the microenvironment of numerous bodily systems and show great promise for the prevention and treatment of prostate cancer.

Method Participant

A healthy male age 56 was diagnosed with localized moderate risk non-metastatic prostate cancer. Biopsy performed by John’s Hopkins August, 2015 showed an average Gleason scores of 6 with one 7 at 50% yet PSA score of 2.6 ng/mL was normal and there was no indication of metastasis verified by normal white blood cell counts.  The client, not eligible for surveillance, was recommended to pursue radiation or prostatectomy.  Provided with four months to decide on treatment, the client sought CAM therapies from Live Well LLC to improve the prognosis. Client completed informed consent, detailed health history including dental and physical trauma, and lifestyle factors including diet, exercise and stress and emotional state.  

Materials and Procedure

Diagnostic methods used for evaluation and monitoring outcome included detailed client history, functional lab results, dietary food log, and kinesiology biofeedback using Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA) and monitoring the urine pH.  Based on thorough analysis of diagnostic methods, a comprehensive holistic program was designed in four 30 day phases incorporating, external detoxification, phytonutrient and internal detoxification protocols, a dietary program and an exercise stress management program.  Testing was done every 4-6 weeks to refine the program and the client was provided with detailed monthly instructions on diet, nutrition, detoxification and exercise stress management programs. All phytonutrients and minerals used were manufactured by Premier Research Labs, Austin Texas.  .


Lab and QRA testing, diagnostics and historical analysis provided base line clinical measurements and information to begin selecting and incorporating appropriate CAM treatments. Table1below identifies lab values out of functional range and CAM treatment. 

Table 1:  Functional Lab Values out of Range Analysis and CAM Treatment


Lab Test




CAM Treatment



10 mg/dL

low protein


increase protein 6 oz. daily


142 mmol/L

Renal function

pH, support kidney/adrenal, hydration


4.6 mmol/L

Renal/adrenal function

pH, support kidney/adrenal, hydration





pH, Kidney, minerals, protein


6.7 G/dL

HCL, protein

increase stomach acid, protein


2.2 G/dL


Resveratrol, enzymes, digest

Alk Phos

40 U/L

Protein malnutri.

HCL, digest, increase protein


0.79 ulU/ml


support endocrine system


5.5 pg/ml

low testosterone

Premier testosterone 2 cap/day

Vit D

35.9 ng/ml

border low


increase Vit D3 6,000 IU/day





pH and mineral imbalance



41 mg/dl

low HDL


exercise, limonene, cardio ND, deltanol


126 mg/dl

High LDL


exercise, limonene, deltanol

Energy Rejuvenation Therapy (ERT) and Hyperthermic Poultice Therapy (HPT) were the external detoxification programs selected.  The client had a vasectomy in 1998 which was found with QRA biofeedback to be a primary risk factor to the prostate.  This confirms research identifying an association with vasectomy and prostate cancer (Siddiqui et al. 2014). The left testicle was reflexing to the prostate possibly sedating and interfering with prostate function.  The clay mixture contained Medi-Body Pack, Detox ND, and Premier HCL (Premier Research Labs, 2015).  Clay mixture was first applied to the hands and feet to open up energy flow and initiate detoxification.  Clay mixture was applied to left testicle incision and left command center at the bottom of the foot for 6o minutes and rinsed.  Clay mixture was then applied to the right testicle incision and the right command center at the bottom of the right foot for 60 minutes and rinsed.  The client was grounded with bare feet on the earth in the sunlight during each treatment.  

HPT is based on knowledge that cancer cells are heat intolerant.  The poultice applied to the skin allows nutrients to bypass the gastro intestinal tract and permeate the dermis entering the blood, lymph, and target tissues (Marshall, 2014).  The client was instructed to apply a poultice to the external skin of the prostate area and cover with an infrared rose granite thermal heating pad called the Earthwrappe (Premier Research Labs, 2015). The poultice included colostrum cream (1/4 tsp), oregano oil (2 drops), and limonene oil (2 drops).  The client was instructed to increase heat setting to 9 and duration to 60 minutes 5 days per week.  

Phytonutrient and internal detoxification programs provided daily nutrients not normally found in the diet, formulated to strengthen organ and gland systems by correcting nutritional deficiencies and removing chronic infections through detoxification of the blood, lymphatic and other systems. Table 2 lists the phytonutrients and minerals used throughout the program, their basis functions and recommended dosage.   The program was modified and adjusted every 4-6 weeks.  

Table 2:  Phytonutrient Support for Nutrient Deficiency and Detoxification (4 months)








Mineral Support and PH


Serum D3


6,000 IU daily

Mineral Support and PH


Premier Greens

1 tsp daily


Bone Support, Vit K




2 caps daily




Pink salt


1 tsp daily


Digestion/Fat Metabolism

Limonene Oil

4-6 drops daily



MediClay FX

1 cap daily/water

Energy/Nerve function


Max Stress B

1 tsp daily


Cell/nerve/brain function




1 cap daily


Detoxification CVS


Cardio ND


1 tsp daily


Detoxification Lymph


Immuno ND

1 tsp daily


Detoxification Bacteria




12 caps daily/6 wks.

Detoxification Viral


Oregano Oil


2 drops topically prostate

Immune support




1 tsp daily


Immune support


Colostrum Crème

1/4 tsp topically prostate

Immune support


Nucleo Immune

2-4 daily


Kidney Support




3-6 daily


Prostate Support




4-6 daily






2 caps daily


Hormone Support



2 caps daily



Dietary recommendations were incorporated in 3 one month phases so as not to overwhelm the client.  Primary objectives were to eliminate sugar, improve digestion, increase hydration and protein and bring the fasting morning urine pH into an ideal functional range of 6.4-7.0.  The fasting urine pH at the beginning of the program was 8.0, indicating metabolic alkalosis was supported by functional lab results indicating imbalances in kidney, adrenal, mineral and low protein intake or absorption.   In Phase 1 the client began to eliminate white processed sugar, flour and table salt.  Eliminating sugar and reducing glucose was essential as glucose fuels cancer.  One tsp honey or xylitol daily with one to two servings daily of low glycemic fruit high in vitamin C and bioflavonoids was recommended.  One teaspoon daily of sea salt daily and a gluten free diet was also recommended.  Phase 2 dietary adjustments were to increase protein intake to 4-6 oz. daily (based on total protein 6.7 G/dL), increase hydration by 8 oz. every 3-5 days until desired level of 108-125 oz. daily was achieved (based on body weight of 180 lbs.).  Phase 3 adjustments were to include betaine HCL and digestive enzymes to improve digestion and continue to maintain all dietary recommendations. 

The exercise/stress management program focused on incorporating cardiovascular fitness, resistance training and stretching/myofascial release. The client was emotionally stable with low stress but was not exercising on a regular basis other than occasional and seasonal golf.  The program was adjusted each month to increase time, intensity and duration. By month four, the client was instructed to maintain cardiovascular training 30 minutes 3 times per week, resistance training 30 minutes 3 times per week and stretching and myofascial release for 7 minutes daily.  The client reported feeling more energy and a loss of 10 pounds following 6 weeks on an exercise program, however compliance was not consistent. 

Discussion and Conclusion

The client and his family were highly motivated and compliant to CAM treatment therapies.  The primary goal of CAM treatments were to halt and potentially reverse the progression of the localized moderate risk prostate cancer by altering the microenvironment through selected CAM treatment therapies. Therapies selected for this case study were based on confirmed biopsy of prostate cancer, clinical lab results, client health history, QRA biofeedback and periodic monitoring of urine pH. 

CAM therapies are extremely safe and non-invasive.  CAM therapies support the microenvironment theory of cancer development which proposes that cancer accelerates or is inhibited by the microenvironment of the cell.  Customized therapies selected for this case study all improved the microenvironment at the cellular level by increasing oxygen, nutrients, promoting hyperthermia and cellular communication while also detoxifying viral and bacterial toxins, sugar, gluten and many others.  External detoxification is less known or researched but is noninvasive and shows great promise for trauma and surgery in general. However we are skeptical of the longevity of this treatment associated with prostate cancer due to unknown etiology of the effects of semen continuously entering the body cavity following ERT proceedure.  Further therapies may be necessary or reversal of the vasectomy may be needed. 

We conclude that CAM therapies are effective in altering the microenvironment of numerous bodily systems and show great promise for the prevention and treatment of prostate cancer.  Further clinical trials are needed to confirm findings.

Limitations of CAM are that it is currently primarily out of pocket but slowly gaining acceptance; programs necessitate client compliance so organization and education programs are essential for development; CAM is customized and highly specialized and time consuming and CAM competes with current allopathic practice focus on pharmaceutical and surgical treatments.  Further analysis will demonstrate that CAM is highly effective in the prevention and treatment of prostate and other cancers and is cost effective when integrated efficiently and effectively.  


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