Detoxification Essentials
Rejuvenation Program
6 Month Program, $275/Month
Detoxification Essentials, Rejuvenation Program
Detoxification Essentials Rejuvenation Program is our foundation detoxification, nutrition, and disease prevention program. It is for those who are committed to digging deeply into a clinically supervised comprehensive detoxification program. This program will benefit everyone but is essential for those experiencing health challenges manifesting in symptoms of low energy, anxiety, low libido, blurry vision, weight gain or loss, hormonal imbalances, who have not been diagnosed with a serious condition or disease. Natural healing takes time, this is a 6-month detoxification program.
This program will benefit everyone and is highly recommended for the following individuals:
- Weight loss or weight gain of 10 – 15 pounds
- Gastrointestinal imbalance (constipation, diarrhea, bloating)
- Low energy, anxiety, blurry vision
- Hormonal imbalances – thyroid, adrenal fatigue
- Skin, hair, nail concerns – eczema, rosacea, thinning hair, thin brittle nails
- Female issues – low libido, irregular menses, painful periods, cramps, recurring yeast infections
- Pre-conception: couples prior to having a child
- Acute symptoms: headaches, poor sleep, gas, boating, acne,
- Suspected Disorder including: Candida albicans, SIBO, IBS, Psoriasis, Eczema, acne, ADHD, Thyroid imbalance, hair loss, overweight, elevated blood sugar, blood pressure or cholesterol, sore muscles, bones or joints.
Detoxification is the most important process we need to engage in to survive in our toxic environment. Ongoing detoxification is our best defense against disease and is recommended before a diagnosis, when you are experiencing aging type symptoms. As an expert in the field of detoxification, Lauren Hayden has seen miraculous results with clients as they undergo a comprehensive supervised detoxification program.
Research now confirms that lifestyle factors (poor dietary habits, lack of exercise, electromagnetic exposure, and emotional stress) are the cause of most modern disease and making incremental changes to your life can rejuvenate, and in many cases revitalize your health, often times reversing symptoms and condition as the body heals itself. This program can not support those with chronic disease who are under medical supervision by a medical doctor. If you are on medication and have diagnosed with any disease you The Restoration Program will support you best.
This program provides you with:
- One comprehensive detoxification plan, our roadmap over the next 6 months.
- Three 1 hour consultations to continue the detoxification process to remove target environmental toxins identified through lab analysis.
- Three detailed programs and 3 modified programs including ongoing nutrition & detoxification support during the detoxification process, program instructions with three 30-minute phone or zoom review
- On-going support including brief email questions handouts educational videos and webinars
- 20% discount on all assessments
- 20% discount on supplements when purchased on-line through the website
- Membership to Wellsurance Network, 6 live or recorded group consultations
- Recommendations on further assessments
6 monthly payments of $ 275.00
Important Note Prior to Purchase
This program is non-refundable, non-transferable and must be completed within 8-months of purchasing. This program does not include the cost of supplements, additional assessments, external detoxification or emotional stress management. Depending on the level of health, additional detoxification support may be recommended