ElimaTox Protocol

ElimaTox Protocol


Detoxification Support

Specialized Detox Protocols


http://Elimatox Data Sheet

Additional Information

ElimaTox is a practitioner-directed program with targeted homeopathics to manage symptoms related to EMF, food additive, and toxic chemical exposure. This one-month program is paired with nutraceuticals to support detoxification and clearing activity. This is the ideal protocol for patients experiencing symptoms of multiple chemical sensitivities. The ElimaTox Kit contains a detailed Practitioner Guide and the following products:


  • 1 bottle of EMF Protect and Balance
  • 1 bottle of Addiclenz
  • 1 bottle of Chemtox
  • 1 bottle of Smilax
  • 1 bottle of ToxAffix
  • 1 bottle of Liposomal Bio-Quercetin


These products, along with an OmniCleanse Detox Kit, are the necessary products to complete the protocol.

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