RESP:SSR (Virus Series Symptom Relief)

RESP:SSR (Virus Series Symptom Relief)


Homeopathic Remedy

Immune and Virus Support

Symptom Relief for cold, cough, fever, flu, lungs, pneumonia runny nose and virus symptoms

10 Homeopathic Vials/Amber Glass


Additional Information

Virus Series Symptom Relief is  a homeopathic formula for the temporary relief of symptoms such as runny nose, cough, fever from a virus.

This series kit is not a cure for coronavirus COVID-19. There are no products that will cure or treat COVID-19 at the current time.  This product will support symptoms of many common viruses.

For more information on the Series Symptom Relief Program, see our Series Program Practitioner Guide.

These statements are based upon traditional homeopathic practices. They have not been reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration.


  • RNA 229E (7X 12X 15X 30X 45X 60X 75X 100X 250X 500X)
  • Demineralized Water

Suggested Dosage:

For acute infections we recommend two Series Kits.. Each kit contains ten vials, each with a different dilution of the deactivated virus or bacteria the kit is intended to address. The vials are taken in series, ascending order (1 – 10) every 3 days or the first 30 days of the protocol, then decreasing in order (10 -1) for the second 30 days.  Take as recommended by your health care professional. 

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