Gluten-Free Fruit Stuffing

Rice and Fruit Stuffing Recipe


Stuffing is a favorite dish during the holiday season.  The basis for a great stuffing is the combination of tastes from fruits, herbs, nuts and a gluten free rice cube or rice base.  A great stuffing takes time to prepare so doing the chopping ahead of time will save time and make it easy.  Here is my basic recipe.


  • 8 tablespoons (1 stick) butter
  • 1 large onions chopped
  • ½ bunch of organic celery chopped
  • 2 cups wild rice or rice bread cubes (about one 8-ounce package)
  • 2 cups water for rice only
  • 1 cup apple (Stayman or Wine Sap are best) coarsely chopped.
  • 1 cup organic red or purple grapes
  • 1/2 cup each organic dried apricots
  • 2 cups walnuts and/or macadamia chopped
  • 1 tsp sea salt and 1/2 tsp pepper
  • 3 tsp of herbs oregano, tyme, rosemary, sage


Melt 8 tablespoons butter in heavy large pot over low heat and stir in onions and celery for until coated, 60 seconds and remove. Transfer to a large bowl and add in 1 teaspoon salt and 1 teaspoon pepper.

Wild Rice

Bring water to a simmer and add wild rice to 120 degrees (just below a simmer) and lower to the lowest setting. Cover for 30 minutes.  Mix and stir in celery and onions, nuts and fruits. Salt and pepper to taste. Cover with glass top and bake in the oven for 30 minutes.

Gluten Free Stuffing 

Mix 8 ounce of gluten free bread cubes with the butter, celery and onions mixture.  Add in the nuts and fruits. Salt and pepper to taste. Cover with glass top and bake in the oven for 45 minutes. Uncover stuffing and bake until top of stuffing is slightly crisp and golden, about 5-10 minutes longer.

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