As the colder months are upon us, we will be spending more time indoors. It’s not unusual during this season to feel the effects of a weakened immune system – whether a stuffy nose, cough, watery eyes, painful ears. And for some, the symptoms can turn into a full-blown illness like a sinus infection or the flu. That, coupled with the uncertainty of the current pandemic environment, can bring with it the fear of vulnerability to viruses and other illnesses.
Most people turn to Over-The-Counter supplements once symptoms begin. Just walk down the First Aid drugstore aisle and you will see dozens (maybe hundreds) of products just for this purpose. Read the WARNING on the box label and you will take a pause. Do you really need all those artificial ingredients, food colorings, side effects and potential toxins?
There is a better way to Live Well
I don’t believe in living in fear – instead, I believe and teach individuals how to empower themselves and take steps to alter and support the internal terrain of the body so we can be strong and healthy enough to combat whatever we come in contact with. We do this by eating clean, getting good sleep, managing our stress and providing the body with nutrients – the building blocks it needs for optimal function and a strong body.
I am so pleased to offer you my immune supporting bundles – think of them as an insurance policy for your immune health.
These products are a part of DesBio – one of my favorite supplement lines. This company formulates products with ingredients powerful enough on their own and at the same time, having enhanced efficacy through the synergistic combination with others. The products I am suggesting contain ingredients that have been studied individually to be effective against viruses – just like the kinds that cause those annoying colds and flus; and are great at supporting immune function when you need it. The trick is to have good nutrient status for prevention, and to give the immune system support upon onset of illness.
As the colder weather sets in, consider supporting your body and immune function with the highest quality and efficacy products available.
Learn more about the Basic Immune Support bundle here.
Or if you want more support, consider the Advanced Support Bundle here.
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Live Well
Empowering You to Achieve Radiant Health and Well-Being