Stress Management Programs

Stress & Lifestyle Management Programs
Our Stress and Lifestyle management programs focus on the emotional/ spiritual component of health and well-being. Making changes to our daily routine can cause both acute or chronic stress depending on how long the body remains in the fight or flight cycle. Any change in diet, sleep patterns, work or play activity can be stressful. Some stress is good for us but chronic stress is dangerous to our health.
Are you feeling stressed out? Are you struggling or just need some guidance on making an important life change. Is it beginning to affect your job, relationships, sleep, energy level or overall well-being? Do you put yourself last on the job or with your family? Are you seeking to keep your life on track, to maintain or regain balance to prevent crashing and burn out? Chronic stress can cause disease and lead to physical symptoms due to the parasympathetic nervous system response to stress whether physical or emotional. Stress can also cause diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease and even cancer. It also prevents us from getting unstuck and not moving forward with our life purpose.
Our stress management coaching services can stand alone or be incorporated within the Restoration or Rejuvenation programs. Typically, these program may be recommended with emotional counseling using a technique called emotional release and an exercise program.
Weight Management Program
One 90 Minute Consultation, Detailed Instruction and Clearing Device
This program is for those interested in getting there life back through a comprehensive approach for weight management. If you are over weight (>20 lbs) and have found that dieting and exercise are not working for you, our comprehensive approach to achieving a healthy weight gets to the root causes of your problem.
Lifestyle Management Program
3 60 Minute Consultation with 3 Detailed Programs
3 Month Program, $450.00/Month
Our Lifestyle Management Program is for those who are seeking to attain or maintain their higher purpose in life. They want coaching and guidance on making important lifestyle changes. This program focuses on the emotional/spiritual component of wellbeing to guide you through this life changing process without stress.
Emotional Stress Release Management Program
One 60 Minute Consultation and Detailed Instructions
Past ingrained thought patterns can prevent us from achieving our full potential. Typically, weight loss, addiction patterns, sleeplessness and insecurity are common patterns that can effectively be reversed through Emotional Stress Release Technique. When you are ready to move forward with your life and achieve your full potential, ESRT is a proven remedy to identify and clear the negative thought patterns your nervous system has been holding, possibly for decades.
Group Stress Management Coaching Program
4 30 Minute Sessions
This on-line group program is for those who are registered in a program and want weekly support and educational material or for those not registered in a program who are seeking information on lifestyle/stress management. This online zoom class will provide you with current science based information on stress management therapies. Classes will be taught via powerpoint by our board certified nutrition and health professionals.